文艺鉴赏教学中采用以电脑为依托的多媒体教学 ,可以改善以教员为中心的、被动的、单向灌输的封闭式教学模式 ,在一定程度上可以凸显文艺的魅力和强烈的感染力 ,增强教学的直观性和形象性 ,激发学生的学习兴趣。在文艺鉴赏多媒体课件的设计上应该紧扣教学大纲和学科的特点 ,全局策划 ,精心设计 ,方可取得理想的教学效果。文艺鉴赏多媒体教学实践中应该兼顾工具理性和人文理性两个层面。
To use multi-media technology to teach students to appreciate art can improne the passice, teacher-centered, cramming and close-end teaching model, highlight the glamour of literature and strong artistic appeal,enhance object teaching and stimulate students' interes't.In the process we should center around the syllabus and the characteristic of the subject with the situation as a whole in mind, work hard to achieve the desired teaching effect. At the same time we can't afford to neglect any of the two aspects-fool and human.
Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science:Social Science Edition