随着internet技术的发展和用户对业务需求日益复杂化和个性化 ,固定电话将突破原有的单一语音通道而成为文字消息交互平台 ;在已拥有建设完善的全国统一的寻呼信息服务平台的基础上 ,可以通过寻呼平台建设一个有线短信中心 ,为固话用户提供短信服务 ,并实现互联网、固定电话网、移动电话网之间的信息传递 。
With the development of the Internet technology and the complication and personalization of customers' requirements, fixed-phone will break out the limitation of being a sole voice channel and become a communicating platform of literal message .Under the current situation, based on the mature domestic platform of the paging information service , we can provide the fixed-phone clients with SMS through building up a wire SMS center and accomplish the information transfer among Internet, fixed-phone network and mobile phone network, which will make fixed-phone a state-of-the-art message media.
Journal of Huainan Vocational Technical College