本文介绍了一种支持多DSP并行处理的多功能VXI虚拟仪器平台 (DSPBasedVXIPlatform ,DVP)。DVP是一种"一模多用"形式的仪器平台 ,它采用基板 +功能插板的形式 ,基板采用DSP进行高速数字信号处理 ,使用FPGA实现VME和DSP的桥接。
In this paper, a multi-DSP based on VXI versatile instrument platform (DVP) is presented. DVP is a kind of multi-module instrument platform, it's composed of a base board and some plug-in boards. The base board carries out the real-time processing of digital signals with the SHARC DSP chips and use FPGA to realize the communication between VME bus and DSP chips. The software and hardware structure of DVP is discussed.
Journal of Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation