
企业流程再造风险根源探析 被引量:2

The Root Cause of the Business Process Reengineering Risk
摘要 企业流程再造的失败率很高,造成这种现象的根源具有多元性。本文从再造队伍的构成缺陷、再造概念的误区和业务流程再设计的思维品质、思维方式与设计方法的失当诸方面进行探悉,在剖析根源的同时提出避免风险的途径和方法。 The failure rate of the business process reengineering is very high. There are diversified reasons of its root cause. The essay analyzes the reason from the angles of the structure defects of the reengineering team, the error area of the reengineering notion and the deficiency of the thought quality, way of thinking and design method of the reconstruction of business flow. The root cause is analyzed while the ways and methods to avoid the risk are put forward in the essay.
作者 肖东生
机构地区 南华大学
出处 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 2004年第2期14-17,共4页 Journal of Capital University of Economics and Business
基金 湖南省自然科学基金项目(02JJY2104)。
关键词 企业 流程再造 风险 业务流程 BPR 管理理念 process reengineering risk root cause
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