以 3种不同跨度的铁路标准预应力混凝土 T型梁和双柱式轻型桥墩为研究对象 ,分别建立了 4种不同的计算模型 ,利用通用软件 ANSYS经过大量仿真计算 ,较为系统地分析了墩梁频率比对桥梁横向动力性能的影响规律 ,并得出了桥梁横向基频的计算公式 。
Based on three different-span railway standard simple supported beams and twin pole light pier,with four different calculating models established,using universal software ANSYS,this paper makes systematic research into the law of the effect of the ratio of transverse frequency between the pier and the simple-supported beam on the dynamical performance of the whole bridge in the light of many simulated calculations and finally puts forward the proper calculation formulae,which are of significant reference value in state evaluation and malfunction diagnosis of bridges.
Traffic Engineering and Technology for National Defence