弗洛姆社会心理学思想主要表现在三大方面 :自我的发展、社会人格和社会动机。弗洛姆分析自我的发展主要是沿着束缚→自由→再束缚→再自由的线索来进行的。他以辩证的眼光看待个体的自我发展进程 ,承认不管受到何种因素影响 ,个体终究要发展 ,而且其发展是不可逆的。社会人格是自我发展的最终结果 ,它决定着社会中个体的思想、感觉和行为。社会人格还受一定社会因素的影响。弗洛姆认为 ,个体在形成社会人格过程中面临种种需要 ,主要有 :联系的需要、超越的需要、寻根的需要、认同的需要和定向的需要等五大方面。
Fromm's thoughts ion social psychology were listed as follows: development of self; social personality; social motive, etc. Fromm's analysis of the development of self mainly followed a thread as below: restraint→freedom→re-restraint→re-freedom. He regarded the process in the individual development of self in a dialectical way. He admitted that individual eventually would develop no matter what factors would affect it. And he knew that the development was not reversible. Social personality was the final effect of the self-development. It determined individual's thoughts, feelings and behaviors in society. It was also affected by some social factors. In Fromm's opinion, there were several needs in the process of individual formation of social personality, which were listed as following: needs of connection; needs of transcending; needs of seeking security; needs of identification and needs of direction. These needs made up of individual social motive.
Journal of Harbin University
science research management
social psychology