The authors treated 280 cases of sequela ofapoplexy with body acupuncture plus intravenousbleeding.The body acupuncture was performed oncedaily and Renying(ST 9)or Fengchi(GB 20)aswell as those of hand and foot Yangming meridianswere prescribed as primary points and other pointsmight be combined according to the symptoms.Theneedles were retained for 30 minutes,but no reten-tion of needles was given in Renying and Fengchi,10 sessions constituted one treating course.5-dayinterval was necessary before a new course started.Intrauenous bleeding was performed twice a weekand Ouchi(LI 11),Chize(LU 5),Quze(PC 3),Weizhong(UB 40),Weiyang(UB 39),Yangjiao(GB 35)might be recommendable for the bleedingand other points could also be selected when neces-sary.3 points could be bled in each session.Athree-edged needle was used to make the bleedingand after the bleeding cupping was put over thepoints for 5 to 8 minutes.The total effective rateof this treatment was up to 98.22% and comparingwith that of 40 cases who were treated only withbody acupuncture,this effect was remarkable.
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion