目的 临床探讨在特殊的适应证下 ,上下颌单侧拔牙矫治中度牙列拥挤的疗效。方法选择面型较好的上下颌中度牙列拥挤病例 ,拥挤集中于牙弓一侧 ,拥挤度在 6~ 9mm ,共 2 2例。采用上下颌单侧拔牙矫治。另外选择 2 2例中度牙列拥挤患者 ,采用双侧对称性拔牙矫治。对两组病例进行术后牙弓对称性的比较。结果 18个月内 ,采用单侧拔牙矫治的 2 2例拥挤全部解除 ,上下颌中线无明显偏斜 ,上下牙列尖窝关系咬合紧密。两种拔牙方式矫治后 ,牙弓对称性的差异无显著性(P >0 0 5 )。结论 本项研究证明 ,上下颌单侧拔牙能成功地矫治中度牙列拥挤且拥挤集中于牙弓一侧的患者 。
Objective To clinically investigate the results of unilateral extraction in the treatment of special moderate crowding cases Methods 22 patients with harmonic profile and moderate crowding were selected and treated by unilateral extraction with Edgewise technique The patients crowding was 6 9mm and focused on one side of the arch 22 patients with moderate crowding were treated by bilateral extraction as control Results 22 patients have been treated successfully within 18 months Crowding was completely resolved Midline coincidence was basically maintained Good intercuspation was achieved There is no significant difference in dental arch symmetry between unilateral extraction and bilateral extraction ( P > 0 05) Conclusion Unilateral extraction can be successful in the treatment of special moderate crowding cases
Chinese Journal of Stomatology