
儿童面中部NK/T细胞淋巴瘤合并曲霉感染1例 被引量:4

NK/T-cell lymphomas in facial midline complicated by cutaneous aspergillosis in a child:a case report
摘要 报告儿童面中部NK/T细胞淋巴瘤合并曲霉感染1例。患儿女,8岁,左鼻部皮损6个月,伴发热、左面部肿胀5个月。检查见左鼻翼组织表面有污褐色痂,周围糜烂,有脓性分泌物,并有异味,周围组织水肿,口腔黏膜有溃疡及坏死。肝脾大。末梢血全血细胞降低。创面镜检见大量分隔菌丝,经培养鉴定为曲霉菌属。组织病理检查示真皮至皮下脂肪有密集的淋巴细胞浸润。真皮血管周围有散在异形的淋巴细胞,皮下脂肪层有吞噬红细胞的组织细胞。免疫组化染色示CD45RO+,散在CD56+。PAS染色可见菌丝和孢子。 An eight-year-old girl presented skin lesions at left nasal region for 6 months, a fever and swelling localized on left face for 5 months. Physical examination showed brown crust on the left wing of nose, and erosion and pus with bad smell.were found around There were ulcers and necrosis in palate. She had hepatomegaly and a large spleen. Complete blood count deereased. The direct microscopic examination of scraping revealed septate and branched hyphae identified as Aspergillus by culture. Histopathologic examination demonstrated dense lymphocyte infiltration from dermis to subcutaneous fat. There were some heterotypic lymphocytes around the blood vessels in dermis and histocytes engulfing red cells in subcutaneous tissues. Immunohistochemical examination showed CD45RO(+) and sporadic CD56(+), and hyphae and spores were found by PAS staining.
出处 《临床皮肤科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期106-108,共3页 Journal of Clinical Dermatology
关键词 淋巴瘤 T细胞 曲霉感染 面部 儿童 lymphoma aspergillosis face child
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