目的探讨平阳霉素瘤体内注射治疗乳腺癌术后局部复发的效果及其临床意义。方法常规消毒后根据病灶大小选4~7号注射器针头 ,穿刺点在病灶中心部位 ,将针头先刺入病灶深部再退到中心 ,缓慢注药 ,使药液逐渐弥散整个病灶而不溢于皮下 ,注入药量依病灶大小而定 ,一般每次8~24mg,7d注射1次 ,通常注射2~3次肿瘤即可消失。结果病灶直径≤2.0cm者38例 ,注药1~2次即消失 ,占63 % ,病灶直径超过3.0cm者需注药3~5次方可消失。病灶越小 ,效果越好。结论4例病灶直径3.0~3.5cm左右 ,注药5次后局部变硬稍隆起 ,观察1个月后行手术切除 ,病理组织学检查所见 :癌细胞变性、坏死及周围组织纤维化。这充分表明 ,本方法疗效可靠。
Objective To explore the effects and clinical significance of Pingyang Meisu in the treatˉment of local recurrence of mammary cancer after operation.Methods The medicine was injected slowly into the deep part of the focus of cancer firstly,then back to the center of the focus,the point of puncture was at the center part the focus.The needles were selected according to the size of the foˉcus.The drug was diffused into the whole focus and the amount of the drug was used depending on the size of the focus.The medicine was injected every7days,8~24mg each time.The relapse was disapˉpeared after injecting2-3times in the patients.Results The relapse was disappeared after giving medicine for1to2times(63%)if the diameter of the focus was less than2.0cm.If the diameter of the focus was over3.0cm,the relapse was went out after giving the medicine3to5times.The smaller the focus was,the better the results were.Conclusion Of the patients,4cases were conducted operation after injecting the medicine for5times in a month,the diameter of the focus of the patients were more than3.0cm,whose local focus became hard and a little prominent after injection.The results of histopathology suggest that the cancer cell become degeneration and necrosis and fibrosis.The results show that the effecs of the treating method is reliable in the treatment of local focus of mammary cancer.
Journal of Hebei Medical College for Continuing Education