运用探究性学习指导中学生物教学 ,教师在切实把握好教材内容的情况下 ,建立起民主宽松的探究性学习氛围 ,设计好探究性学习的问题 ,既可以优化课堂教学 ,又可以实现对学生进行创新精神的培养和实验能力的锻炼 ,对全面提高学生的整体素质 。
To apply the research-oriented learning approach in the teaching practice of biology . On the basis of a solid foundation of the grasp of the textbook , we make students the main body of teaching , create a relaxed atmosphere in learning , and design the guiding. problems , so we can make our teaching to be excellent , to train the students innovation quality and their practicing ability.Finally we can achieve the goal of improving the students quality, comprehensively and being beneficial to the students for a longer period of time.
Journal of Nanyang Normal University