该文介绍的气冲线平面布置方案计算机辅助设计和绘图系统,以 IBM PC/AT 为主机,以 Auto CAD 绘图软件包为主要支撑软件。应用软件采用结构化设计原理,用 Auto Lisp高级智能语言编制,共有1个主程序和23个模块及布线子程序。该系统适用于各种开放式造型线,能快速设计和绘制造型线平面布置图,设计绘图所需时间只是手工作业的几十分之一。
The computer aided design and drawing system for air impact moulding line plane layout project described in this paper involves IBM PC/AT as the principal machine and Auto CAD drawing software package as the maim support software. Application software,using constitutional design principle and programmed with Autolisp hlgh-level intelligence language,possesses one main program and 23 modules and layout-llne subprograms.Thls system is suitable for various open- looped moulding lines.The floor plan of the moulding line could be quickly designed and drawed with the system. And the time neccesitated for designing and drawing is only one over scores of the manual operations.