目的 比较改良腭咽成形术 (保留悬雍垂全长的UPPP手术 )与经典悬雍垂腭咽成形术 (UPPP)两种手术并发症的发生情况。方法 回顾分析 ,以改良腭咽成形术 (保留悬雍垂全长的UPPP手术 )的并发症与经典悬雍垂腭咽成形术 (UPPP)的并发症作比较。结果 改良腭咽成形术组术后鼻咽返流 1例 ,悬雍垂腭咽成形术 (UPPP)组 13例中术后鼻咽返流 6例 ,大出血 5例 ,气管切开 3例 ,术后半年鼻咽狭窄 3例。结论 改良腭咽成形术 ,完整保留悬雍垂以及咽腔解剖结构 ,手术效果良好 ,并发症少 。
Objective To contrast the postoperative complications between UPPP and Uvula preserving UPPP. Method Postoperativecomplications of UPPP and Uvula preserving UPPP were analysed. Results In10 cases of uvula preserving UPPP 1 case had elopalatal insufficiency. In 13 cases of modified UPPP 6 cases had velopalatal insufficiency,and 5 cases had hypovolemic shock, and 3 cases nasopharygeal stricture. Conclusion The results of the uvula preserving UPPP indicate that this approach not only improve the effect of the UPPP, but also avoid the postoperative complications. The uvula-preserving UPPP could preserve completely uvula and the oropharynx anatomy structure
Journal of Shanxi Medical University