从1979年我们从事本蠹蛾生物学特性及防治技术的研究以来,得到西北农业大学周尧教授的亲切关怀及热情的教诲。该新种以他的姓氏命名,以表达我们的衷心谢忱。本新种记述如下。周氏木蠹蛾Parahypopta choui,sp.nov. :虫体中等大小,翅展36毫米,体长19毫米。触角单栉齿状,较细长,伸达前翅前缘1/2处,鞭节60节;端部五节明显细小,但端节相对较细长;中部栉齿长相当于触角杆粗。栉齿端部与基部宽度略等,末端园钝;栉齿末端及两侧密生白色绒毛。
Parahypopta choui, sp. nov.(?) : Body length 19mm, wing expanse 36mm. Antenna unipectinate to tip, reaching half length of costa. Both three fifth of basal costal area and median cell as well as basal half behind the cell greyish white in fore wings, without striae. Other areas greyish brown. There is a wide oblique black band from the lower angle of the cell to the angle of 2A at its 1/3. Behind 2A there is no stria.Venations: R3 from areole but R4 stalked long with R5 in fore wing. In hind wing, Rs connate with M1 beyond the cell. The lower branch of median vein ends at M2-M3. M3 from M2-Cu1a.Male genitalia: Uncus long triangle-shaped, bending downward at its 1 / 3 length. The dorsal part of clasper concave in its inner half, but with a costal hump in the outer half. Aedeagus without cornuti.(?): Antenna bipectinate to tip, but the lamellae very short. Others similar to male.This new species is similar toParahypopta issycus (B.-Haas) in appearance, but can be distinguished from the latter by: (1) the oblique black band in fore wing, and (2) posterior margin in fore wing without short striae. This species is named after Professor Chou Io (the Northwestern Agricultural University) who has given us a lot of invaluable help in our study.Holotype (?) , Altai, Xinjiang, June 29, 1982, kept in the Shandong Provincial Resesrch Institute of Forestry Sciences, Jinan. Allotype (?), same data as holotype, kept in the Forestry Bureau of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, Urumqi.