本文记述了树螽亚科Phaneropterinae中安树螽属(Anisotima B.-Bienko,1951)和管树螽属(Ducetia Stal,1874)的两个新种。这两属在形态上非常相似,但可根据胸足腿节膝片上刺的有无和翅的长宽比来区别。安树螽属(Anisotima) 所有胸足腿节膝片上均不带刺,前翅较宽,它的长度不及翅宽的4倍。该属目前仅记载有两种,即A.disparB.-Bienko和A.Yunnanea B.-Bienko,均分布于中国。本文记述采自浙江的一新种。管树螽属(Ducetia)所不同的是所有胸足腿节膝片上均带有明显的刺,前翅窄长。
In this paper, two new species of the genus Anisotima B.-Bienko. and genus Ducetia Stal are described from Zhejiang and Hunan, China. The type specimens are preserved in the insect Collections of Beijing Agricultural University.Anisotima choui, sp. nov. (Figs.1-4)This new species is similar to A.yunnanea B.-Bienk, obviously different from the latter by the subgenital plate, cercus, and spurs numbers of femora in male.Holotype (?) , allotype (?), Zhejiang (Mt. Tianmushan),1957-Ⅵ-27, collected by Yang Chi-kun.Ducetia multipunctata,sp.nav, (Figs.5-6)This new species is very specific and easy to diagnosis.The body and wings of the katydid is red-brown, and there are 10-12 dark spots on its elytra.Female unknown.Holotype (?) ,Hunan (Zhangjiajie),1985-Ⅶ-29, Collected by Chen Nai-Zhong.