鹰天蛾属Oxyambulyx Rothschild et Jordan已知近40种,大多分布于亚洲东部、南部及东南部,其中包括在我国已知的8种,基本上在华南均有记载,即O.japonica(Rothschild)(分布:中国陕西、四川、台湾,日本,朝鲜);O.kuangtungensis Mell(中国华南);O.liturata(Butler)(中国四川、安徽、江西、福建、华南,印度,菲律宾,印度尼西亚,锡金,缅甸);O.ochracea(Butler)(中国江苏、安徽、江西、浙江、福建。
Tn this paper, a species of Oxyambulyx Rothschild et Jordan from China is described as new to science, belonging to the subfamily Ambulicinae. The type specimen is preserved in the Department of Plant Protection, Anhui Agricultural College. Oxyambulyx amaculata, sp. nov, (figs 1.2)It can be distinguished from other species of this genus by the area on inner line without any round spots or broad cross band from costal margin to hind margin of the fore wing, 6th (or 6th and 7th) abdominal tergite without spots on both sides and 8th dorsum in (?) ((?) unknown) without spots, the mid-line on dorsum of abdomen indistinct.Body length: 43 mm, wing expanse: 105 mm.Holotype: (?) Taishun County, Zhejiang Province, 1985- Ⅴ-9. Coll. Wang Hongfa.