
趋流摇蚊属二新种(双翅目:摇蚊科) 被引量:1

Two New Species of the Genus Rheocricotopus from China(Diptera:Chironomidae)
摘要 本文记述了我国产趋流摇蚊属2新种,模式标本存于南开大学生物系。1.峨眉超流摇蚊Rheocricotopus(Psilocricotopus)emeiensis sp.nov. 雄虫:体小,全体棕褐色,体长1.9毫米。超长1.35毫米,体长/翅长:1.4。触角各鞭节均生有长毛,端节末端稍膨大,具约10—15根短感觉毛,触角比(AR)LO。 Two new species of Rheocricotopus from China are described in this paper. The type specimens are kept in the Department of Biology, Nankai University, Tianjin. Rheocricotopus (Psilocricotopus) emeiensis Wang et Zheng, sp. nov. (fig.1)Imago male: Darkbrown. Total length 1.9 mm. AR 1.0. Antepronotum with 2-3 setae. Dorsocentrals 6 on each side. Humeral pits large and ovoid. LR10.65, LR20.54, LR30.59. Wing length about 1.35 mm. Anal lobe distict, squama fringe with 5 hairs. R without setae, C extension 31 μm.Apex of anal point sharp, each side with 4 lateral setae. Superior volsella with a hooked apex. Gonostylus with a short rectangular crista dorsalis, megaseta slender and long.Holotype (?) , Sichuan Province (Mt. Emei),1986-Ⅴ-17. Collected by Wang Xinhua.The rectangular crista dorsalis, bared R, longer megaseta, unique anal point and inferior volsella will readily separate this new species from the other species of the genus. Rheocricotopus (Psilocricotopus) nigrus Wang et Zheng, sp. nov. (fig. 2)Imago male:Balck, total length about 2.7 mm. AR 1.3. Antepronotum with 7-8 lateral setae. Dorsocentrals about 20 at each side. Humeral pits very large, nearly rectangular in shape. LR10.65, LR20.53, LR30.57. wing length 1.86 mm. Rwith 3 setae. Squama with 6 setae. Hypopygium as in fig. 2c. Superior volsella with apex hooked. Crista dorsalis of gonostylus short and rather high, somewhat triangular in shape, megaseta slender and long.Holotype (?) , Paratype 1 (?) , Hubei Province (Gucheng), 1986-Ⅴ -5, Collected by Wang Xinhua.This new species can be distinguished from the other known species of the genus in body coloration, numerous dorsocentral setae, very large humeral pits and AR.
机构地区 南开大学生物系
出处 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 1989年第4期311-313,共3页 昆虫分类学报(英文)
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