
主动脉假性动脉瘤的影像诊断 被引量:11

Imaging diagnosis of aortic pseudoaneurysm
摘要 目的 :探讨主动脉假性动脉瘤的影像表现 ,评价MRI的诊断价值。方法 :报道 5例经手术证实的主动脉假性动脉瘤的影像所见 ,MRI检查 4例 ,彩超检查 3例 ,CT检查 2例和主动脉造影 1例。结果 :胸、腹主动脉假性动脉瘤分别为 3例和 2例 ,假性动脉瘤位于主动脉轮廓外。彩超显示瘤体与主动脉有双向血流。CT和主动脉造影表现层状密度瘤体、早期强化和显影。MRI表现假性动脉瘤壁厚薄不均和信号不均质 ,均有破裂口。GRE显示经主动脉狭窄破裂口向瘤腔内喷射高信号血流。结论 Objective:To explore imaging appearances of aortic pseudoaneurysm and to assess the diagnostic value of MRI.Methods:In the 5 cases of aortic pseudoaneurysm proved by surgery and histology,4 were examined by MRI,3 by Color Doppler Ultrasound,2 by CT,1 by abdominal aortography.Results:3 were thoracic aortic pseudoaneurysm and 2 abdominal pseudoaneurysm.The pseudoaneurysm located outside of aortic contour.Two directional blood flowing was demonstrated between pseudoaneurysm and aorta on ultrasonography.CT and aortography showed early visualization of the false aneurysm with laminar appearance in the lumen.The appearance of pseudoaneurysm on MRI was presented as the uneven pseudoaneurysm wall and the heterogeneous signal.Moreover,the ejection of the blood flow of aorta through the narrow rupture slit into the cavity of pseudoaneurysm was observed on GRE sequence.Conclusion:It is important to diagnose the aortic pseudoaneurysm using MRI.
出处 《放射学实践》 2003年第11期814-815,共2页 Radiologic Practice
关键词 主动脉假性动脉瘤 影像学诊断 CT检查 磁共振成像 Aortic pseudoaneurysm Tomography,X ray computed Magnetic resonance imaging
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