文章介绍可控翼伞飞行控制程序的设计。以提高落点精度和减少操纵量为准则 ,设计了分阶段的归航控制程序 ,该程序中的关键参数运用仿真优化方法得以确定。为验证和改进翼伞飞行控制程序 ,构建了翼伞归航的可视化仿真环境。该仿真环境可以给出在设定条件下归航的仿真结果 ,包含翼伞系统运动轨迹的显示和统计分析结果 ,同时能直观地显示翼伞系统在三维场景中的归航过程。
In this paper, the design of controllable parafoil flight control algorithm is introduced. The multiphase flight control algorithm is devised with the principle of improving landing error accuracy and reducing control quantities, the critical parameters in this algorithm are ascertained by simulate optimize method. To validate and improve the parafoil flight control algorithm,the visualized simulation flight envirnment of the parafoil is established. The result of simulation in given conditions, including the trace of the parafoil system, the outcome of statistical analysis, and the process of reentry in three-dimension scene, can be shown in this simulation environment .
Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing