首先对合成孔径雷达 (SAR)图像目标识别的研究背景和国内外发展现状作了简单介绍 ,然后分析了SAR图像目标识别问题的复杂性 ,讨论了SAR目标识别系统的一般方案与方法 ,提出了基于多源信息融合和人机协作的识别框架 ,进而展望了SAR图像目标识别技术今后的发展方向。
In this paper, research background of automatic target recognition of SAR imagery and its basic principles were briefly reviewed. Then the problem “What makes synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR) hard?' was discussed. At last we pointed out, the ATR technology should be developed as follows: make models of all kinds of objects;using new information acquired from SAR imagery and new research theories;fusion of satellite images of different sensors;the utility of artificial intelligence. Based on the analysis and comparison, key factors in ATR are concluded as suggestion to future research.
Spacecraft Recovery & Remote Sensing