1985年5—10月作者等在四川省卧龙自然保护区和马边县大风顶自然保护区进行竹类害虫调查,采得危害竹林的卵翅蝗属Caryanda St(?)l,1878一新种;并在整理四川省永川森林病虫防治试验站蝗虫标本时,又发现该属一新种,现记述如下。模式标本保存于缺西师范大学生物系蝗虫研究室。
This paper reports two new species of grasshoppers from Sichuan Province in West China, All type-specimens are deposited in the Institute of Grasshoppers, Department of Biology, Shaan-xi Normal University.1. Caryanda nigrovittata sp. nov. (figs. 1-9)This new species resembles Caryanda omcleitsis Chang, distirigusimble by die. following characters: the elytra narrowing to one-quater of near apical.; the supra-anal plate of male longer than wide, with the apex point; (he sulinrenital plate of female wider curve concave and shallower in the middle of posterior margin; the epipruillus wider, inner lobes of lophi only one, with the apex obtuse rounded, posterior projections rectangular; body smaller.Length of body: (?) 19.5-22.0 mm, (?). 28.5-30.0 mm; length of prnnonun: (?) 4.0-5.0mm, (?)6.0-6.5 mm; length of elytra: (?) 3.0-3.5mm, (?) 3.5-4.2mm; length of hind femur: (?)13.0--14.0 mm, (?) 16.0-16.5mm.Holotype (?), allotype(?), paratype 5(?), 1(?), Sichuan: Mabian County (Dafengding), 5. Ⅹ. 1985. collected by Lian Zhenmin.2. Caryanda amplipenna sp. nov. (figs. 10-12)Closely allied to Caryanda pieli Chang and Caryanda glatiea You, but differs from both in the interocular distance about 2 times the width between antennae of the frontal ridge; the elytra shorter, its length about 1.6 times larger than its width; the subgenital plate of female shightly curved in the middle of posterior margin; and this new species is easily separated from 'Caryanda glauca You by the colour and shape of its bady.Male unknown.Length of body: (?) 32.5mm; length of pronotum: (?) 7.0 mm; length of elytra: (?) 4.5mm; length of hind femur: (?) 15.5 mm.Holotype (?), Sichuan: Liangping County, 18 Ⅷ. 1981, collected by Jiang Xuejiao.
Acta Entomologica Sinica