目的 探讨胃癌前病变和胃癌组织中细胞凋亡的情况。方法 采用TUNEL技术检测胃上皮异型增生及胃癌组织中的细胞凋亡率。结果 在不能肯定为异型增生中凋亡率为 2 1 94%± 5 4 8%;低度异型增生的凋亡率为 2 3 70 %± 4 13%;高度异型增生中凋亡率为 18 0 5 %± 3 99%,随着胃黏膜细胞异型程度的增高 ,细胞凋亡反而逐渐减少 ,而在浸润癌其凋亡率进一步减少为 8 13%± 1 98%。结论 在胃黏膜从异型增生到癌变过程中可能存在细胞凋亡的被抑制 ,应该凋亡的异常细胞得以长期生存 ,这些细胞对致突、致癌剂的易感性升高 ,基因更易发生突变 ,增加了胃黏膜细胞恶变的机会。
Purpose To investigate the cellular apoptoses of the dysplasia of gastric mucous epithelium and the gastric carcinoma. Methods The apoptosis index(AI) of gastric mucous epithelium and the gastric carcinoma was measured by TUNEL technique. Results The results showed that the AI of unconfirmed dysplasia was 21.94%±5.48%;AI of low-grade dysplasia was 23.70%±4.13%; and hige-grade dysplasia got the AI of 18.05%±3.99%; furthermore, with the aggravation of gastic mucosa dysplasia, the amount of apoptosis decreased contrarily, and finally, in infiltrative carcinoma, the AI fell to 8.13%±1.98%. Conclusions It indicated that along the mutation from gastric mucous dysplasia to gastric carcinoma, there was probably some inhibitory mechanism to cellular apoptosis, which caused the survival of those abnormal cells that should have come into apoptosis. These abnormal cells had higher sensitivity to the mutagenogens and carcinogens so that they increased the malignancy incidence of gastric mucous cells.
Chinese Journal of Clinical and Experimental Pathology