本文记述刺皮瘿螨属Aculops二个新种,文内长度单位是微米,模式标本保存在南京农业大学植保系。 蟠槐刺皮瘿螨Aculops sophorae新种(图1—5) 雌螨 体长160,宽55,厚50,纺锤形。喙长24,斜下伸。背盾板具前叶突,端部具小刺;盾板长17,宽45;盾背上背中线不完整,约存后部的2/3,侧中线波状,并与背中线相连,有亚中线;背瘤位于盾后缘,瘤距25,背毛27,斜后指。前基节间具腹板线,基节刚毛Ⅰ8,Ⅱ15,Ⅲ25,基节具粒点。足Ⅰ长26,股节9,股节刚毛10;膝节4。
The present paper deals with two new species of Aculops. The length unit is micron. All type specimens arc deposited in Nanjing Agricultural University.1. Aculops sophorae sp. nov. (figs. 1-5) The new species closely allied to Aculops maroccensis Keifer, but distinguished by the following characters: smooth tergites with 21 rings; featherclaws 7-rayed; median and submedian shield line incomplete, and joint with the fluctuate admedian in newtwork design.Holotype (?), allotype (?), paratypes 15(?). June, 1984, from Nanjing, Jiangsu by author. Host: Sophora japonica var. pendula.2. Aculops jambosae sp. nov. (figs. 6-11)The new species closely allied to Aculops excoecaria Mondal & Chakrabarti but distinguished by the following characters: median and submedian shield line incomplete; coxae with prominent granules and female coverflap with 8-10 longitudinal ribs.TTolotype (?), allotype (?). July, 1983 from Lanzhou city, Gansu by author. Host: Jambosacaryophyllus.
Acta Entomologica Sinica