刺槐谷蛾Hapsifera barbara(Christoph)在中国为新记录。七十年代初,在山东部分刺槐林内发生成灾。幼虫蛀食刺槐树干和主枝皮层,受害部位膨大变形,严重者整株枯死。鉴于国内首次发现并造成危害,我们于1971—1973年对成虫形态、生物学及防治方法进行了研究。经英国谷蛾科专家G.S.Robinson博士鉴定为鳞翅目、谷蛾科Tineidae, Hapsifera barbata(Christoph)(孙渔稼,1984)。 国内分布于山东,辽宁等省;国外分布于苏联远东,日本本州、四国。 日本森内茂博士将其视做朽木昆虫,末见有危害健康林木的报道。七十午代初,在山东省泰安市徂徕山林场、宁阳县高桥、中皋和部分社队林场刺槐林发生成灾。
The forest pest insect Hapsifera barbata Christoph is a new record in China, ft caused plague in some locust forest of Shandong Province at the beginning of 1970s. Its larvae bored the barks of trunks and branches that caused many trees swelling and some of the seriously attacked trees were killed by them. We studied its morphology, biology and the methods of control during 1971-1973.With two generations a year, the overwintering larvae of this pest insect had begun to harm the trees since late March and emerged to adults from late May to the beginning of July. The first generation occurred from early June to early September and the second generation larvae entered overwintering in October.Spraying 20 times liquid of 50% emulsified DDVP to control larvae, the efeect could be achieved 86.9 %. It was better than the other pesticides such as Malathion, Dimethoate, Hborate and Fluoroacetamide
Acta Entomologica Sinica