目的 :为保证食用者健康 ,在不加任何防腐剂及添加剂的前提下 ,采用高温高压法自制复合营养液 ,使其可在常温下保质 6个月。方法 :自制复合营养液 ,并采用膳食营养专家系统软件计算复合营养液营养成分 ,该计算值与经 115℃、0 .75kPa处理后样品的营养成分实测值作一比较 ;细菌监测卫生微生物指标共 7项 ,分别于送样后 1d、15d、30d检测。结果 :复合营养液经高温高压后蛋白质、脂肪及碳水化物含量略减少 ,均 <10 % ;钾、钠、锰、磷、铁、锌变化不大 ,硒有所减少 ,钙基本无变化 ;VA、VB1、VB2 、VC、VPP、VE均减少 ;卫生微生物指标监测结果均未超标 ,菌落总数 <10cfu/g ,大肠菌群 <30MPN/ 10 0 g ,霉菌计数 <10cfu/ g ,沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、乙型溶血性链球菌均未检出。结论 :自制复合营养液经高温高压后营养成分变化不大 ,常温保存可达 6个月。
Objective: To ensure the healthy of the eater by preservation of the complex nutrient solution for 6 months without any preserve and additive treated by the ways of high temperature and high pressure. Methods: The software system of dietition was used to count the theoretical value of the complex nutrient solution, as compared with the actual value of the complex nutrient solution under high temperature (115℃ )and high pressure (0.75 kPa) .Seven items of sanitary microbial were measured after 1,15,30 days. Results: The protein, fat and carbohydrate in complex nutrient solution after high temperature and high pressure reduced a little (<10%).The potassium, sodium, manganese, phosphorus, iron and zinc changed slightly, selenium reduced 21.3% and the calcium remained as before. VA,VB 1,VB 2,VC,VPP and VE reduced. The index of sanitary microbial were all in normal .The colony counting <10 cfu/g, flora of bacilluscoli <30 MPN/100 g, moid counting <10 cfu/g. All the salmonella, shiga's bacillus, staphylococcus aurous and beta hemolytic streptococcus weren't identified. Conclusions: The components of complex nutrient solution changed little after treatment by high temperature and high pressure, and could be preserved for 6 months at room temperature.
Journal of Shenyang Medical College
complex nutrient solution
high temperature and high pressure
nutrient components
bacterial surveillance