

What will be the future trajectory of Yinlu?
摘要 和去年在中国热播的电视剧《刘老根》中的主人公一样,陈清渊、陈清水兄弟俩领头创办的银鹭集团带领村民走上了康庄大道,显赫的“政绩”反过来又给企业带来了更大的机遇。在历经18年之后,这种一个企业与一个村庄相生相存的经济生态实验,是否还依然具有旺盛的生命力,又会朝着什么样的路径演变? In later 2003, Chen Qingyuan was often lost in thought alone in his spacious office.Chen is president of Yinlu Group based at Xiamen. The company, founded in 1985, is one of the biggest food manufacturers in China,and its revenue about RMB2 billions. Two months ago, the company launched a project of ERP system and employed Ogilvy & Mather to help marketing for its brand. All the things were those over which Chen had to think time and again.At the same time, Chen is the head of Matang Village, the richest one in Xiamen. Eighteen years ago, at the remote mountainous village with about 270 villagers in the Southeastern China, Chen, his brother Qingshui and several other villagers founded a canned food workshop, the predecessor of Yinlu. Matang also becomes the 'First Village' in Xiamen. As a model for cadres trying to lead the masses to get rich, Chen has been elected as an alternate member of the Party Committee of Xiamen City.The 'Village-Enterprise Model', created by Chen and his brother, is easy to emind us of Liu Laogen, a popular soap opera televised recently. What we are interested in i of Yinlu, a symbiotic experiment in which both an enterprise and a village grow together. What will be the future trajectory of Yinlu? In later 2003, Chen Qingyuan was often lost in thought alone in his spacious office.
出处 《IT经理世界》 2004年第4期28-31,8,共4页
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