
MRI引导下骨骼肌肉病变活检的应用价值(英文) 被引量:1

Applying value of interventional MR-guided biopsies in musculoskeletal lesions
摘要 目的 :介绍iPath2 0 0辅助MRI引导下骨骼肌肉系统活检的技术操作方法 ,并评价其应用价值。方法 :2 4例骨骼肌肉系统病变患者 ,均在iPath2 0 0辅助MRI引导下进行经皮活检。所用设备为Philips公司生产的开放式 0 .2 3T常导磁共振检查仪 (Proview) ,并配有iPath2 0 0光学引导系统。活检针采用德国Daum公司的磁共振兼容性活检针。 2 4例病人中的 6例在活检中行MR对比增强检查。所用对比剂为Gd DTPA。 2 4例病人中的 10例后来行外科手术治疗或活检。结果 :MRI引导活检取得足够的标本 ,所有的病例均获得了组织病理学诊断 (2 4 / 2 4 )。在 10例后来行外科手术治疗或活检的病人中 ,初步诊断与最终诊断基本符合 (10 / 10 )。未发现明显并发症如严重出血及神经损害等。结论 :iPath2 0 0辅助MRI引导下的骨骼肌肉系统病变的经皮活检是一种安全、准确的新技术。 Objective:To introduce the procedures and evaluate the applying value of the iPath 200 interventional MR-guided biopsies in musculoskeletal lesions. Methods:24 patients with musculoskeletal lesions underwent iPath 200 interventional MR-guided percutaneous biopsies. All patients were performed under 0.23 T open MRI system (Proview, Philips Medical System) with optical tracking system (iPath 200, Philips Medical System). The needle was MR-compatible (Daum, Germany). 6 of 24 patients underwent MR contrast-enhance examination during the biopsy. The contrast agent used was gadopentetate dimeglumine (Gd-DTPA; Magnevist, Schering, Berlin, Germany) 0.4ml/kg body weight. 10 of 24 patients underwent a subsequent open surgical biopsy or surgical operative treatment. Results:The sample of MR-guided biopsy was estimated to be sufficient and histopathological diagnosis was got in all cases (24/24). In 10 patients who underwent subsequent open surgical biopsy or surgical operative treatment, primary diagnosis and final diagnosis was coincidence essentially (10/10). No complications such as severe bleeding or neurological damage took place.[WT5”HZ]Conclusion:iPath 200 interventional MR-guided percutaneous biopsy in musculoskeletal lesions is an accurate and safe technique.
出处 《医学影像学杂志》 2004年第2期79-82,共4页 Journal of Medical Imaging
关键词 骨骼肌肉系统 磁共振成像 放射学 介入性 活检 骨肉瘤 Musculoskeletal system Magnetic resonance imaging Radiology interventional Biopsy Osteosarcoma
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