1993~1998年 ,考古工作者在三星村北发掘了一处新石器时代墓地。该墓地的使用年代约为距今6500~5500年 ,已清理新石器时代墓葬1001座 ,出土随葬品4000余件。墓葬分布密集 ,葬制可分为单人一次葬、多人一次合葬、二次葬、二次迁葬与一次葬合葬等几种形式。随葬品除了精美的玉器和陶器外 ,还出土两套有完整组合的石钺 ,以及刻画抽象符号的板状刻纹骨器。作者将该文化遗存分为三期,认为它们是连续发展的同一考古学文化。
This site dated back to somewhere between6500and5500BP underwent excavation from1993to1998,yielding some four thousand funerary objects.Tombs were closely distributed,and found in-cluding the single burial,joint burial,secondary burial,and primary joint burial.Still solid skeletal remains were in good state of preservation,a rare case in the lower streams of the Changjiang.The excavation fills up the physical-anthropological gap in Neolithic China to the south of the Changjiang.Apart from exquisite jade and pottery objects,mention should be made of two complete sets of stone yue-axes and plate-shaped bone articles with geometric incisions.The author of the present essay be-lieves that remains here consist of three consecutive phases of the same archaeological culture,which he names as the Sanxingcun type.
Cultural Relics