目的 :进一步验证湿润烧伤膏 (MEBO)对各种类型烧伤创面的治疗作用。方法 :采用湿润烧伤膏治疗的 (称治疗组 ) 82例 ;采用硝酸银软膏 (SNO)治疗 (称对照组 ) 5 4例。观察指标包括创面愈合方式 ,止痛效果与痛苦程度 ,瘢痕增生情况 ,创面感染控制情况。结果 :治疗组在重度烧伤创面的愈合方式均明显优于对照组 ,愈合快、创面瘢痕发生率低 ,创面感染少 ,痊愈率高 (P <0 0 1~ 0 0 5X2 =3 90 0~ 19 85 7)。结论
Objective: To verify the efficacy of MEBO in treating burn wounds of different kinds. Method: 82 cases of burn were treated with MEBO and 54 cases treated with silver nitrate ointment as a control. The therapeutic effects of the 2 drugs were compared, including the type of wound healing, analgesic effect, and scar formation and wound infection rates. Result: In MEBO treatment group, the wounds healed more quickly, the scar formation and infection rates were lower and wound healing rate was higher than that in silver nitrate ointment treatment group. Conclusion: MEBO is superior to silver nitrate ointment in treating severe burn.
The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds & Surface Ulcers