目的 :探讨CT诊断胆囊癌的价值。材料和方法 :分析手术病理证实的 2 4例患者的胆囊癌CT表现 ,术前均有CT平扫 ,其中 15例并进行了增强扫描。结果 :本组 2 4例胆囊癌CT表现特征可归纳为 4型 :( 1)胆囊腔内肿块型 2例占8.3 % ( 2 /2 4) ;( 2 )胆囊壁增厚型 3例占 12 .5 % ( 3 /2 4) ;( 3 )胆囊周围浸润型 8例占 3 3 .3 % ( 8/2 4) ;( 4 )混合型 11例占 45 .8%( 11/2 4)。结论 :CT诊断胆囊癌有重要价值。增强扫描可以明确显示胆囊癌的特征 ,有助于胆囊癌的诊断及鉴别诊断。
Purpose: To evaluate the value of CT in the diagnosis of gallbladder carcinoma. Materials and Methods: The CT findings of twenty-four patients with gallbladder carcinoma confirmed by operation and pathology were analysed. Results: Four type of gallbladder carcinoma were recognized:(1)Intraluminal mass of gallbladder accounted for 8.3%(2/24);(2)Thickening of the gallbladder wall accounted for 12.5%(3/24);(3)Infiltrating tumor accounted for 33.3%(8/24);(4)Mixture type accounted for 45.8%(11/24). Conclusion: CT has important value in assessing gallbladder carcinoma.The use of CT scans with contrast enhancement can make it possible to show the features of gallbladder carcinoma. Recognition of CT features of the tumor is helpful in diagnosis and differential diagnosis of gallbladder carcinoma.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging