为指引、改善各国公共债务管理,国际货币基金组织(IMF)和世界银行的专家共同编写了"公共债务管理指导纲要"、IMF货币与交易事务部技术援助顾问Mats Filipsson 在APEC金融与发展项目(AFDP)"发展亚太地区政府债券市场"培训上介绍了这一指导纲要。本期选登部分介绍政府从事公共债务的风险管理时应掌握的策略和注意的要点。
The Guidelines for Public Debt Management is produced jointly by the IMF and the World Bank to direct and improve management on public debt worldwide. Mats Filipsson, Technical Assistance Advisor, Monetary and Exchange Affairs Department, the IMF, presented it at the AFDP Workshop on Developing Government Bond Markets in APEC Economics. The following article elaborates on the strategies and key points for a government's risk management on public debt.