根据西藏地区50 KaBP以来18处古人类遗址的发掘资料,整理西藏旧石器中期以来石陶文化的特征,提出了一个“晚更新世以来西藏古人类三次迁移”假说,即五万年以来西藏古文化发生过三次迁移与融合:第一次,50KaBP^10KaBP,居住在藏南定日苏热一带的旧石器古人类向藏北迁移与扩展,形成了藏北旧石器与中石器文化区;第二次,6 KaBP^3.6 KaBP,居住在藏北申扎、双湖一带的中石器古人类沿唐古拉山南麓向东迁移,形成了新石器早期著名的昌都卡若文化,而生活于普兰霍尔的中石器古人类则沿雅鲁藏布江流域向东迁移,形成了林芝文化;第三次,3 KaBP^2.2 KaBP,居住于昌都和林芝的古人类向拉萨和山南一带迁移,促进了藏南新石器晚期文化的繁荣和以雅隆为主的藏文明的兴起,气候变化是这三次文化变迁的主因。
Based on examinations of the culture characters from late Paleolithic age to late Neolithic age by math method, we discover three times large-scale ancients remove in history. First, about 50 KaBP-10 KaBP, the southern ancients removed to the north of Tibet. Second, about 6 KaBP-3.6 KaBP, the northern ancients removed to east of Tibet. Third, about 3 KaBP-2.2 KaBP, the eastern ancients removed to the middle part of Tibet. The remove laid the foundation for the formation of later culture in Tibet. We also discover that the climate is the main cause of the ancients' remove. The consequence of the great remove is a fusion of different cultures which produced a new culture, because the migrants served as the crowed is only carrier of the information about the technique and the experience before the appearance of the writing system. Thus the information is expressed by population. We give the method to study the culture remove and change by determining a more similar culture with the given culture via the similar coefficient. Finally, whether or not paleoanthropologic character, especially, the features of are identical between the two cultures.
Acta Geographica Sinica
国家社会科学基金资助项目(02BJY031) ~~