介绍了三峡工程中双机摆塔式缆索起重机安装过程,对参与本项工程实施的一种特殊承载设备——液压张紧装置的电气实施方案给出详细说明,并介绍了以 PLC 为主导的控制系统在装置电气单元中的作用以及具体实现方法,同时提出了更新手段。
The paper introduces process of installing double-unit tower cable crane in Three-Gorge Project and gives a detailed description of electric implementation scheme of a special bearing facility,namely hydraulic pressure tension unit.In addition,it gives an introduction to the function of control system with PLC as the main part in assembling electric unit and the concrete way of realization as well as means of renewal.
Electric Engineering