本文以我国小学教师为被试就R.D.Goddard, W.K.Hoy & W.A.Hoy(2000)编制的教师集体效能量表进行了修订。修订结果表明:与Goddard原始的问卷相同,修订后原始版和减缩版的量表都具有单一的因素结构;修订后的量表具有较好的信效度指标,可以用作测量我国教师集体效能的有效工具;最后作者就本研究存在的局限性进行了讨论。
Goddard's (2002) Teacher's Collective Efficacy Scale was revised based on a sample of primary school teachers in China's Mainland. Several conclusions could be drawn from this study:First, both original and reduced version of the revised scale had the same single-dimensional structure as the Goddard's scale; Second, the revised scale could be used as an effective and reliable tool for assessing teacher's collective efficacy of China as it had,similar to the original version, sound validity and reliability. The limitations of this study were discussed finally in this paper.
Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology