
美国高校发挥学生领导能力的个案研究 被引量:4

Case Study on Student-Initiated Leadership and Learning Community Development Project in American Universities
摘要  美国马萨诸塞大学建立学习团体、发挥学生领导能力项目所进行的个案研究,通过学生自行设计、计划、组织、安排、实施和评估,成功地冲破了教学时间、地点、效率和角色的束缚,将课堂搬到了宿舍楼,搬到了社区,搬到了需要学生服务的地方,既不受地点的限制也不受传统上课时间的限制,使学生的角色从学生变成了自己的先生,锻炼了领导能力,增强了社区服务意识和社会责任心。 This article is a case study conducted by the author at University of Massachusetts, Amherst on student-initiated leadership and learning community development project. This project was designed, organized, implemented and assessed entirely by students, successfully broke away from the conventional college-learning pattern of time-bound, place-bound, efficiency-bound and role-bound, transferred students learning from class to students dormitory, to the local community and to the places where student services were needed. This project transformed students role to teacher's role and leadership role, through which the students developed the conscious for community service and promoted their sense of social responsibility.
作者 范怡红
出处 《西南交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第3期77-79,共3页 Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University(Social Sciences)
关键词 美国 高等院校 领导能力 社会责任心 大学生 learning community leadership development community service social responsibility
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  • 1[1]Brower A M , Dettinger K M. "What Is a Learning Community"[J].About Campus (November-December) ,1998.
  • 2[2]O'Banion T. A Learning Community for the 21st Century [M]. Phoenix Oryx Press,1997.





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