
振速水听器的声场特性分析 被引量:3

Research on characteristics of the sound field on the velocity hydrophone
摘要 在推导同振球型振速水听器测量原理的基础上,给出了其声压的数学表达式.对水听器的振速测量和其表面上的声压分布特性进行了理论计算和分析,结果表明,球体的密度比M/m不仅对振速水听器的上限工作频率有影响,而且对其灵敏度也有影响,随着密度比M/m增大,振速水听器的上限工作频率和灵敏度均变小.另外,也计算了振速水听器对均匀布放在其周围的声压水听器测量结果的影响,计算结果表明M/m值对在声波入射方向上的声压水听器的测量影响较大,当ka≥0.5时声压水听器的测量值与声波的入射方向有较大关系. On the basis of the principle of measuring particle velocity using velocity hydrophone with co-oscillating sphere in the underwater sound field, we derived mathematical expressions of sound pressure presented for the velocity hydrophone. The characteristics of the velocity field and the sound pressure field on the surface of the velocity hydrophone were computed and analyzed. The results show that density ratio M/m affects the upper limit of the work frequency and velocity sensitivity of the velocity hydrophone,which decrease with the increasing density ratio M/m.The effect of velocity hydrophone has on the surrounding sound pressure hydrophone was also computed.The results show that density ratio M/m has great effects on sound pressure that was measured by sound pressure hydrophone in front of and behind the velocity hydrophone,but sound pressure is related with the direction of the incident wave in the range of ka≥0.5.
出处 《哈尔滨工程大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 2004年第2期157-161,共5页 Journal of Harbin Engineering University
关键词 振速水听器 同振球 声场特性 velocity hydrophone co-oscillating sphere characteristics of sound field
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