TPS2383是德州仪器新推出的以太网电源管理芯片 ,该芯片主要在集线器、路由器、交换机等设备中用来实现对以太网终端设备的电源馈送。文中介绍了TPS2383的主要功能及I2C总线操作方法 ,给出了TPS2383的典型应用电路。
In this paper a new IC,produced by TI,is introduced.It is designed for manangement of Power over Ethernet.It can be widely applied into such instruments as Hubs,Routers,Switches and etc,so as to power the terminals of Ethernet.The main function and I 2 C bus operating method ofTPS2383are introduced,and the typiˉcal application circuit is given at last.
International Electronic Elements