
浪漫且幸运的汤姆·索亚现实并不幸的哈克贝利·芬 被引量:4

Lucky Tom in Romance, Unfortunate Huck Finn in Reality
摘要 《汤姆·索亚历险记》和《哈克贝利·芬历险记》同为美国作家马克·吐温的不朽之作 ,两部作品素有“姊妹篇”之称 ,汤姆与哈克都在以对方命名的历险记中频频出场 ,并毫无例外地参与到对方的重大历险中去 ,作家对两位少年的喜爱可见一斑。但两位小主人公的童年世界因各自的性格、家庭背景以及社会经历的不同而存在着天壤之别 :汤姆的生活充满着浪漫欢乐的色彩 ,他的烦恼总是短暂的 ,瞬时即逝的 ;而哈克则没有汤姆那么幸运 ,同样是发了大财 ,哈克却过上了逃亡的生活 ,甚至险些丢掉性命。和汤姆相比 ,哈克的烦恼是永久的 ,无处不在的。从这两部作品中 ,读者不仅可以领略到作家对自己童年生活的亲切回忆和无比留恋 ,还能对两个不同命运的少年所生活的既相互独立又相互依存的世界产生丰富的联想和无限的感慨。 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,often known as “sister novels”,are both the best representatives of American author Mark Twain. Tom and Huck both take an active part in each other's adventures, in spite of the fact that The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn was finished ten years after the publication of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. The author's fondness of the two characters is obvious. However,the discrepancies of their childhood lives are so much great due to their different character,family background,and social experience. In the life of Tom,it is romance and happiness all the time. He has worries from time to time,but they are just the tokens of his next joy. Huck,on the other hand,is not as half lucky as Tom.Though he's rich after finding the gold coins,Huck has to start a life of running away from his father and from his society, and he almost sacrifices his life for this. Contrary to Tom, Huck's worries are forever lasting. Through the adventrues of the two characters,readers can easily discover how reminiscent Mark Twain is towards his own childhood,and at the same time set off their imaginations about the lives of the two teenage characters.
出处 《外语教学》 北大核心 2004年第3期93-96,共4页 Foreign Language Education
关键词 浪漫 幸运 现实 不幸 romantic lucky realistic unlucky
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