明朝与中亚穆斯林贡贸关系的确立 ,是明朝外交政策的一个重要方面。陈诚多次出使西域、中亚。哈密卫的设立及明政府给予贡使丰厚的回赐 ,吸引哈密、吐鲁番及中亚撒马尔罕、哈烈、鲁迷及天方国贡使源源不断向明朝进贡。贡使入关后受到贵宾待遇 ,沿途有通事伴随 ,京城设有会同馆专门接待贡使 。
The establishment of relationship between the Ming Government and Moslems’ tributes in Central Asia was one of the important foreign policies in the Ming Dynasty.Mr.Chen Cheng,a diplomat,went to Western Regin and Central Asia many times.The establishment of customhouse of Hami and rich return gifts given to the envoys from the Ming goverment attracted other diplomatic envoys from Hami and Tulufan,Samarkand,Halie and Lumi of Central Asia as well as Mecca to keep pouring in tributes to the Ming government.The Ming government set up a State Hotal in Beijing to receive envoys,who were accompanied by interpreters along the way,and they were treated as honoured guests when entering Beijing.And all this would develop the friendship between China and foreign countries to a new stage.
Journal of The Second Northwest Institute For Ethnic Minorities(Philosophy and Social Science)
Ming government
Moslems in Central Asia
relationship of tributes