在 2 0世纪 90年代初以来汉语思想界的“新左派—自由主义”之争中 ,当代西方学术界中那些倾向于社会主义的自由主义者和倾向于自由主义的社会主义者 ,受到了争论双方的冷遇 :“新左派”嫌他们太右 ,“自由主义”嫌他们太左。但这种情况可能正是这场争论之所以成效不大的原因之一。事实上 ,在自由主义传统的思想家和社会主义传统的思想家当中 ,都有一种向对方靠拢的现象。本文着重研究后一种情况 ,即当代左翼思想家是如何对自由主义历来非常重视的社会建制 (市场经济、法治国家和市民社会 )和思想观念 (自由、平等和博爱 [或团结 ])加以扬弃和发挥的。
In the 1990s, the Chinese thinkers involved themselves in the debates between the New Leftism and Liberalism and ignored those socialism-oriented liberalists and those liberalism-oriented socialists in West academia because the New Leftists regarded them too far to the Right in thinking and the Liberalists considered them too far to the Left in thinking. Thus, there was little result from this debate. In fact, the thinkers with the tradition of liberalism and those with the tradition of socialism had a tendency to get closer to the other. This paper focuses on a study that how the Leftist thinkers of modern times abandoned and developed those social organizations and systems (market economy, a country ruled by law and a civil society) and ideas (freedom, equality and universal love) to which the Liberalists always attached great importance.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition