知识经济初见端倪 ,社会政治、经济、文化、生活、思维方式、人才需求等正发生着深刻变革。因此 ,充分认识知识经济的时代特征 ,了解知识经济时代大学生的思想状态 ,分析知识经济时代对人才的需求 ,及时调整新时期思想政治工作的内涵和工作重点 ,对于高校培养适合知识经济时代新型人才至关重要。
The world of today is marked by knowledge economy. Political pattern, economic structure, living way, mode of thinking and requirement for talents are changing severely. So to understand completely the charcteristics of knowledge economy, undergraduates' thought and the requirement for talents in the era of knowledge economy and to adjust the content and emphasis of ideological and political work are very important for a university to cultivate qualified students.;