随着高等教育改革的深入 ,在总课时减少、教学内容增加、传统教育向素质教育转变的趋势影响下 ,如何培养并提高学生的创新能力已被众多高校提到了议事日程。笔者根据多年来在《机械原理》、《机械设计》等课程教学中的初步实践与探索 ,提出了以创新能力培养为目标改革教学内容、采用和创建有利于创新能力培养的教学方法和手段、营造一种有利于学生大胆创新的环境氛围等一系列新的教学改革思路 ,并通过多年课程教学等环节进行了初步尝试。
With the development of high education innovation the total class decreases while the teaching content increases and traditional education converses to quality education. All of these make it very important in the university that how to cultivate and improve innovation ability of student. According to the teaching practise in the class of mechanical theory and mechanical design, the writer presents the following teaching innovation ideas and practices them in the teaching, such as innovation in teaching content adoption of the new teaching method and building the innovation environment to cultivate innovation ability of students.;