在已建立的猫急性实验性颅脑损伤模型基础上,于伤后1小时由静脉内持续注入促甲状腺激素释放激素(TRH,2mg/kg.h)或生理盐水(2ml kg.h)4小时,观察TRH对急性颅脑损伤后的早期作用。结果发现,静脉注入TRH后显著提高了平均动脉压和脑灌注压,降低了颅内压,减轻了创伤性脑水肿,并降低了死亡率。TRH的这些有效作用促进了颅脑损伤后的神经系统功能恢复。
Based on the establishment of traumatic modelof head injury in cats. continuous intravenous of TRH(2mg/kg. h) or saline (2ml/kg.h) over four hours,beginning one hour after injury. The rosults showed that, TRH significantly increased mean arterialblood pressure and cerebral perfusion pressure,decrea-sed intracranial pressure, alleviated brain edema.and lowered mortality rate. These beneficial effectsof TRH promoted the improvement of neurologicalfunctions after traumatic head injury. Because ofits significant central activities and its ability ofantagonizing many of the pathophysiological actionsbut not the analgesic effect of endogenous opioidsor exogenous opiates, TRH has the broad prospectsin treating the central nervous system trauma andshock induced by different causes.
Chinese Journal of Neurosurgery