目的 探讨无创性通气 (NIV)在治疗早期急性呼吸窘迫综合征 (ARDS)中的临床疗效。方法 10例ARDS患者均于早期给予面罩NIV治疗 ,选用压力支持通气 (PSV)加呼气末正压 (PEEP)模式 ,PEEP水平设为 5~ 8cmH2 O ,PSV水平设为 8~ 2 0cmH2 O。结果 经NIV治疗 2 4~ 72h后 ,呼吸窘迫治愈 6例 ,失败 4例。治疗成功组的呼吸频率 (RR)由治疗前的 36± 3次 /min降至 2 4± 2次 /min ,PaO2 由治疗前的 6 0± 5mmHg升至 110± 2 5mmHg ,氧合指数 (OI)由治疗前的14 0± 15升至 36 4± 2 0。而失败组无显著改善。结论 早期ARDS患者合理使用NIV治疗是很有益处的。
Objective To study the clinical effects of noninvasive ventilation (NIV) in the treatment of early acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS).Methods 10 patients with early ARDS were given the treatment of NIV.Pressure support ventilation (PSV)and the positive end-expiratory pressure(PEEP) were used via facial mask with HORUS ventilator PEEP were set at 5~8cmH 2O and PSV were set at 8~20cmH 2O. Results After 24~72 hours of treatment,6 patients survived (S group)and 4 patients failed (F group).In S group respiratorg frequency (RR) decreased from(36±3 to 24±2)bpm PaO 2 rised from(60±5 to 110±2.5)mmHg and oxygen index(OI) rised from 140±15 to 364±20,while no improvement was observed in F group.Conclusion The result of the present study supports the potential role of NIV in the management of ARDS,especially in the early stage of ARDS.
Journal of Medical Forum