目的 探讨老年性白内障晶状体中三种氨基酸对映体比率改变的意义。方法 行白内障手术患者的晶状体7例,意外死亡者透明晶状体5例,用毛细管电泳仪分析三种氨基酸对映体的比率。结果 老年性白内障组和对照组晶状体中均有丙氨酸、天门冬氨酸和谷氨酸对映体,但他们的三种氨基酸的右/左旋(D/L)比率各不相同,白内障组丙氨酸的D/L比率明显高于对照组,差异非常明显(P=0.001)。但白内障组的天门冬氨酸和谷氨酸的D/L比率则低于对照组,差异显著,P值分别为0.034和0.038。结论 发现丙氨酸对映体比率增加与白内障形成有关。
Objective To investigate the effects of enantiomeric ratios of three amino acids in senile cataract lens. Methods Seven samples of lens from patients underwent cataract surgery and 5 samples from non-cataract post-mortel subject with 6h of death were obtained at the Beijing Tongren Hospital. All 12 samples were freeze-dried and analyzed by capillary electrophoresis( CE) instrument P/ACE 5500 Beckman using β-cyclodextrin as chiral selector. CE was carried out in an uncoated fused silica capillary (total length 47 cm,i. d = 75μm)and the applied voltage was 15 kV. Sample introduction was performed using the pressure optin for 3 s. The D/L ratios of three ammo acids was determined. Data collection was carried out with the Gold chromatography data system version 8. 1. Results The lenses in both groups had enantiomeric of Alanine(Ala) ,Asparlic acid ( Asp) and Glutamic acid( Glu) ,but the D/L ratios of the three amino acids in lenses from the two groups were different. The D/ L ratio of Alanine from cataract group was significantly higher than that of the control group f P =0.001 ). However, the D/L ratios of Aspartic acid and Glutamic acid were significantly lower than that of control group with the P value of 0. 034 and 0. 038, respectively. Conclusion This result indicates that the increase of D/L ratio of Alanine is associated with the development of cataract,which provides some preliminary results for further investigation.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research