以玉米自交系幼胚为外植体 ,就不同基因型、不同激素对其愈伤组织诱导和植株再生的影响进行了研究 ,并建立了玉米自交系高频率再生系统。方差分析表明 :玉米自交系的高频率再生受基因型、激素以及二者间的互作影响。其中基因型是最重要的影响因素。同时 ,再生植株的分化还受到诱愈培养基、分化培养基、诱愈培养基与分化培养基的互作影响。玉米自交系愈伤组织诱导中由N6 +2mg L 2 ,4 D +1 0mg LAgNO3+30 0mg L脯氨酸 +5 0 0mg L水解酪蛋白+2 0g L蔗糖 +1 0g L甘露醇组成最适培养基。诱导分化时 ,最适培养基成分为MS +1mg L 6 BA +0 .1mg LIAA +5 0 0mg L水解酪蛋白 +30g
Four maize genotypes were used to study the factors affecting callus induction and subsequent plantlet regeneration in maize immature embryo culture. Highly efficient plant regeneration systems were established for the tested inbreds. It was revealed that the regeneration of maize inbreds was affected by genotype, regeneration medium, and the interaction between genotype and regeneration media. Genotype was the most important factor compared to callus inducing medium,regeneration medium and the interaction between callus induction and regeneration media. The optimum callus inducing medium for immature embryos of maize was N 6 basics + 2 mg/L 2,4 D + 10 mg/L AgNO 3 + 300 mg/L proline + 500 mg/L hydrolytic casein + 20 g/L sucrose + 10 g/ L mannitol. The optimum medium for plantlet regeneration was MS + 1 mg/L 6 BA + 0.1 mg/L IAA + 500 mg/L hydrolytic casein + 30 g/L sucrose.
Acta Agronomica Sinica
国家"8 63"项目 ( 2 0 0 1 AA 2 12 13 1)
山西省科技攻关项目 ( 0 12 0 0 3 )
山西省农业科学院攻关项目资助 (YGX0 3 0 2 )