采用盐析、等电点、低温沉淀法、成功地从牛、猪组织中提取了纤维蛋白原复合物生物组织粘合剂。经以异种动物兔子为实验动物,粘合背侧、腹侧、腹部、股部张力不同部位6cm 长的皮肤切口,效果非常满意。与传统的缝线同体对比实验,证明粘合切口比缝合切口操作简单,节约时间,对合严密整齐。术后炎症轻,愈合快。愈合后瘢痕少,平整美观。实验结果为兽医人医临床提供了依据。
Fibrinogen tissueadnesivns was isolated from cattle and pig tissuesthrough chemiprecipitation and eryoprecipitation successfully.The gluing results of skin incisions on dorsalis ventralis,and femur were very satisfactory in rabbits Compared with traditional suture,gluing was easier to practice and took less time.The
incisions hadless inflammation and healed faster after operation. The skin had less scar and looked evener.The experiment provided basic scientific information for veterinary and medical clinical application.
Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College