目的 获取幽门螺杆菌黏附素基因alpA ,并将它克隆到质粒 pET - 2 2b(+)中进行核苷酸序列分析。 方法 利用PCR技术扩增alpA ,并将其定向插入pET - 2 2b(+)载体中通过DNA序列分析仪进行核苷酸分析。 结果 DNA序列分析表明 ,所克隆的alpA基因序列与GenBank公布的基本一致。 结论 本研究获得了序列正确的alpA基因 ,为其重组表达及其相关研究奠定了良好基础。
To obtain DNA fragment of Helicobacter pylori(Hp) adhesin gene alpA and to insert the amplified fragment into the plasmid pET-22b(+)for nucleotide sequence analysis.The alpA DNA fragment was amplified by PCR and then inserted into the plasmid pET-22b(+)for sequencing.The result of nucleotide sequence analysis showed that the sequence of alpA DNA was almost the same as that of the published in GenBank.A alpA gene of Hp with correct sequences has been obstained,that could provide the basis for a farther studies in recombination expression and the related studies.
Chinese Journal of Zoonoses
"8 63"计划专题 ( 10 2 -0 7-0 3 -0 6)
国家自然科学基金 ( 3 0 170 890 )
军队"十五"医药卫生科研课题 (OIMA -13 2 )资助项目