目的 :以月经周期第 3天血卵泡刺激素 (FSH)、黄体生成素 (LH)、雌二醇 (E2 )、及FSH/LH为卵巢储备检测指标 ,分析不孕症患者卵巢储备与超促排卵时卵巢反应性。方法 :回顾性分析 110周期控制性超促排卵 ,按卵泡数目及取卵数分为取消组、低反应组、正常反应组 ,比较各组患者周期第 3天血基础bFSH、bLH、bE2 、bFSH/LH。结果 :各组bFSH、bLH、bE2 均正常 ,随年龄增加 ,辅助生育时卵巢反应性下降 ;随bFSH/LH比值升高 ,卵巢反应性下降 ,取消组bFSH/LH比值明显高于正常反应组 ,低反应组与正常反应组间无显著差异。结论 :bFSH/LH比值增加可作为辅助生育技术卵巢反应性降低的早期信号。
Objective: To study the relation between the ovarian reserve and ovarian response in controlled ovarian hyperstimulation. Methods:110 women undergoing the first cycle using a standard regimen of ovarian stimulation were included in the study.Their serum follicle stimulating hormone(FSH),luteining hormone(LH),and estradiol(E 2 ) on cycle day 3 were measured.According to the number of follicles and harvested oocytes,110 cycles were divided into three groups(cancellation group ,15cycles; low response group,13 cycles; normal response group,82 cycles). Results: bFSH level and bFSH/LH ratio was statistically different between the cancellation group and the normal response group. Poor responders had markedly higher bFSH/LH ratio. When bFSH/LH ratio reach 2.08, it showed poor response. Conclusion:bFSH/LH ratio is useful in assessment of ovarian response in IVF ET.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Medicine