2003年,中国港口一骑绝尘,让海事界刮目相看。据统计,2003年我国港口集装箱吞吐量达4800万标箱,以三成的增量跃居世界第一。 世界港口中心正向中国转移,亚洲枢纽港正面临重新洗牌。环渤海、长三角和珠三角一带港口之争,愈演愈烈。在北方环渤海港口中,大连、青岛、天津纷纷挂出东北亚航运中心的牌子,但谁能在东北亚港口竞争中傲视群雄,目前尚不明朗。
The world port center is movingeast to China. Pivotal ports in Asiaare facing reshuffle. The competitionfor pivotal status in Bohai Bay,Yangtze River Delta and Pearl RiverDelta is intensifying. In Bohai Bayregion, three major cities Dalian,Qingtao and Tianjin have all claimedto make the shipping center of theNortheast Asia. However, it's not yetknown which one will be the finalwinner in the competition?
China Ship Survey